Category Archives: Plantar Fasciitis Remedies

The Facts About Caring for the Fabulous Foot

If several hundred tons of pressure seems like a lot to bear, that sum may help you appreciate how hard your feet work. An average day of walking brings a force equal to several tons of pressure to bear on your hardworking feet. That may explain why your feet are more subject to injury than other parts of the body. The human foot is a biological masterpiece. It’s strong, flexible and functional design enables it to do its job well and without complaint-if you take care of […]

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Proper Fitting Shoes a Step in the Right Direction

An estimated three out of four Americans experience foot problems in their lifetime-and women have about four times as many foot problems as men. Common foot ailments A lot of women’s foot ailments are the result of poorly fitting shoes and high heels, although some sources are congenital. Some common problems include: 1) Bunions – Big toe joints go out of alignment and they become swollen and painful. Wearing narrow, pointed-toe footwear aggravates this condition. 2) Plantar fasciitis – An inflammation of the connective tissue, which runs […]

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Can Heel Pain Be Cured

Most heel pain goes away in a short period of time, either on its own or after treatment. Without treatment the pain will usually spread around the heel. Treatments that are used to reduce heel pain seem to bring only marginal gains over no treatment and control therapies such as stretching exercises. The pain in your heel should go away by itself with time, but until then you might want to seek treatment for the pain. Treatment of heel pain starts with resting the foot. Conservative treatment […]

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